Center of Excellence for Erectile Dysfunction
- Dr. Sadeghi-Nejad maintains the longest serving Coloplast Center of Excellence in NJ, and one of only two centers with this designation
Advanced Diagnostic and Treatment Procedures for Erectile Dysfunction
When indicated, Dr. Sadeghi performs advanced procedures for erectile dysfunction such as the following:
- Diagnostic testing for venous leak erectile dysfunction
- Minimally invasive therapies
- Penile implants/penile prosthesis
- Penile duplex doppler ultrasound
- DICC (dynamic infusion corporocavernosometry)
Professional Research by Dr. Sadeghi
Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS) and Erectile Dysfunction: The Impact of Medical, Surgical, and Phytotherapies for LUTS on Sexual Function
Hossein Sadeghi-Nejad, M.D., FACS Presented at Sexual Medicine Society of North America meeting in New Orleans, January 2005.
Multi-institutional outcome study on the efficacy of closed-suction drainage of the scrotum in three-piece inflatable penile prosthesis surgery.
Sadeghi-Nejad H, Ilbeigi P, Wilson SK, Delk JR, Siegel A, Seftel AD, Shannon L, Jung H.
International Journal of Impotence Research 2005 Nov-Dec;17(6):535-8. Conclusion: This investigation revealed that closed-suction drainage of the scrotum for approximately 12-24 hours following three-piece inflatable penile prosthesis surgery does not result in increased infection rate and is associated with a very low incidence of postoperative hematoma formation, swelling, and ecchymosis.